Sorry people. I haven't posted for a LONG time. Was Vry. Busy.
Anyway, basically I'm going to fill you in on what has happened in my boring life from last Saturday to this Monday(Today)
SaturdayWoke up at 10.00? Hurriedly did LL homework but unfortunately could not finish.(I
I wouldn't be able to do it in 1 hour but I still gave in to the
temptation to watch Lord of the Rings.
Went to LL. Damn IRRITATING ACS guy who wanted to turn off the lights. Humpfh. What's wrong with him?Well, scratch that since I'm weird and
eccentric too!:)
On the way home, I decided to watch HP6 next week. Heard Thinking of you by Katy Perry on 98.7. It was naice:)
Did my homework. Pretty much the same story for eveyrone eh? And watched an awesome serial show!!! I
love it!!!!! I watch it every Sat/Sun! Never missed it!
Note to self: GET THE DVD when I can.
Sunday1 word: Boring.
EXCEPT FOR THE SERIAL SHOW!!! OMG!!!! THAT EPISODE WAS WONDERFUL!!!!!!! I'll rank it as 3rd best episode in aforementioned serial!!!
TodayNormal... Chinese, Math and then Science(we had debate, which was a
disaster) and finally English.
No homework!!! YES!
That's about it:)
Please tag on my tag board!
B.t.w, My Mood is updated! Check the side panel- what-do-you-call-it- thing.