17th August 2009
Hi Everyone,
I have embarked on a mission to develop speed-of-lightening- reactions.I was watching this awesome Chinese show(please don't ask what) in which the main characters had freaky reactions. I decided to try some experiments out. For instance, when Kar Leng dropped something, I rushed out to try to pick it up. I did succeed but I hit Kar Leng's head in the process. D: Jia Min was amused and slightly irritated.
During recess, when I was queuing up in the canteen, I turned around for no particular reason and saw Ming Lu. I was really bored so I asked her to lend me her wallet to test my reactions. Ming Lu had a slightly questioning look about my ability to catch her wallet but she still let me drop it. I almost caught it but it still landed on the floor. Poor Ming Lu. I feel bad now. D:
I haven't had much success. In fact, this reaction training thing is making me more paranoid than usual.People who are the subjects of my reaction experiments get irritated too.
Maybe I should find safer alternatives. Perhaps the ruler test? I tried it a few times before but that was quite long ago. My reaction may be faster now.
Basically, for the ruler test, another person drops a ruler and the person's whose reaction is being tested catches it. When/If the person catches it, the point on which the finger is resting will be measured(Markings on the ruler, remember?) and more or less, the person's reaction speed can be judged.
Hmm... Who will be willing to test my reaction?